Thursday, July 20, 2023

Three Pictures of Charles

So, here are three photos of Charles Noad, in his element: with fellow Tolkien scholars.

This one I think dates from my first trip to England in July 1981. 
Charles, Christina, and I are just outside the door to Jessica's back yard.
This is the time I made hushpuppies for Northfarthing Smial in Jessica Yates' kitchen. 

This one dates from the Marquette Mythcon in Milwaukee, summer 1987.
Left to right are Charles, Doug Anderson, and Taum Santoski

The third shows Charles and Christopher at Oxford at the Tolkien centenary in 1992.  They're walking around the quad at (I think) Keble College.

1 comment:

David Bratman said...

Yes, that's Keble. The striped bricks are unmistakable.