Sunday, April 2, 2023

I Am Honoured

So, last night I started receiving congratulations from some of my Tolkien friends--but for what, it wasn't clear. 

Today brought clarity. It turns out that that I've just been given a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Tolkien Society -- a group I joined more than forty years ago, back in the days (circa 1981) when the people in the Society I had the most contact with were Jessica Yates, Charles Noad, Lester Simons, Brin Dunsire, and Susan Rule.  I've have been a member of the T.S. on and off (mostly on) ever since. 

This took me totally by surprise --I hadn't even known I was up for such an award--but it's an entirely welcome one. Outstanding Contribution Award -- what cd be sweeter than the praise of one's peers?

Here's the official announcement: both up on the Tolkien Society website 

(click on the following link and scroll down to the bottom of the left-hand column)

And File 770, which is as official as they come when it comes to sf/fantasy news (from Smof Mike Glyer)

 And now back to another celebratory cup of tea (Yunnan).

--John R.


GeekHammer said...

Wow, congratulations!

Paul W said...

Well done and so very well deserved!