Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Marshall France Checklist


I just finished re-reading Jonathan Carroll's THE LAND OF LAUGHS (1980)--a book  it's hard to discuss or even describe without giving away too much of the plot. 

At its simplest it's the story about two people who want to write a biography of reclusive children's author Marshall France. 

If I had to describe it, I'd say this is what we might have gotten if Shirley Jackson had been inspired by Flann O'Brien into retelling the Bill Waterson story.

In the course of this reading (my third time through) I drew up a listing of Marshall France's books and thought the following might prove useful for anyone interested in Carroll's story:

1. The Pool of Stars (1945)

2. Peach Shadows

3. The Green Dog's Sorrow

4. The Land of Laughs  [last published book]

5. The Night Runs into Anna [only partially published]

6. The Galen Journals [unfinished]

Also, just as a bonus and because it becomes tangentally relevant, here are the named movies of Stephen Abbey, in no particular order:

1. Trains Through Germany

2. Cafe de la Paix (1942)

3. (Cancer House)  [title unknown]

4. (Old Sam Vandenburg)  [title unknown]

5. The Beginners

6. A Fire in Virginia

7. Mr. & Mrs Time

All in all, despite a surprisingly unsympathetic main character, a Masterpiece. Highly recommended.

--John R. 

current reading: E. H. Visiak (MEDUSA, 1929)

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