So, today during my regular visit to the dentist for a check-up and tooth-cleaning I was greeted with the news that they wanted to do a full set of x-rays to update their records. This always takes a while, since I still have my wisdom teeth, making it more difficult for them to position the equipment far enough back in my mouth. So I wasn't surprised when it took a number of re-takes back in there on both sides. What did surprise me was the questions they started asking about whether I'd ever had sinus surgery and the like.
Turns out the x-rays revealed a dark patch just above the wisdom teeth far back on the upper right. This didn't appear on a similar set of x-rays they took in 2006: it may not have been there then, or it may have been there and just not showed up. In any case, they recommend I follow this up with a good Ears Nose Throat person, so tomorrow will include some calling around and appointment making.
In the meantime, I have a hole in my head. Which is kinda weird. Not really a call for concern, but still weird.
As for the rest of the visit, it went well, except that I got The Lecture about flossing.*
--John R.
Today's word: radiolucency.
current (re)reading: THE ROOK by O'Malley.
*I don't floss
concert review: Vienna Philharmonic
8 hours ago
I was raised in a house without floss, and continued not to floss for more than ten years after reaching adulthood. I have been paying for that mistake ever since. It's probably more important to floss than to brush.
I don't floss.
Lectures are not going to make me floss.
THE WIFE (who flosses) SAYS: "[You] don't need free lectures when [you're] paying good money for lectures from professionals."
The total sum result of said lectures being, I don't floss.
Ha! Well, it wasn't lectures that got me to start flossing, but exasperation at the physical and financial pain of so much dental work.
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