Friday, December 15, 2023

Distressing News (Diana Paxson)

So, thanks to Doug K and David B for the link to the news about Diana L. Paxson, who has been the victim of a stabbing attack. The short version: she had a close call but shd be alright. The long version: the eighty year old Paxson and her son fought off the attack, which came from a fellow member of Greyhaven (essentially a commune): an artery was nicked but prompt aid from the son saved her. 

Here's the link:

Paxson is mainly known for her close association with Marion Zimmer Bradley: Her best known book, THE WHITE RAVEN (1988), tells the story of the Tristan and Iseult story from the point of view of Branwen, Iseult's maid). Essentially Paxson followed where Bradley's MISTS OF AVALON had led, but Paxson's is the much better book.

 --John R. 

--current reading (Kindle): GIFTED AMATEURS by David Bratman (2023) 

1 comment:

Paul W said...

The White Raven is an incredible book, but my favorite Paxson works are her short stories in the Thieves' World anthologies, focusing on Lalo the Limner. Her ability to put a traditional artisan and his family at the center of compelling sword and sorcery tales is impressive.