Saturday, October 19, 2024

Our Ballots Have Arrived

So,  our ballots have now arrived; just have to go through them, mark them up, and get them either into the dropbox or mail by the fifth.  I already know who most of the people I'm voting for are (president /vice president, senator, Congressional seat, govenor, &c) because I've been paying attention.

But there are down-ballot candidates, such (as judgeships) and initiatives and the like --including our state Secretary of State, who's an avid D&D player (i.e., one of Our People).* There's the candidates' self-descriptions of who they are and their qualifications for the job. A lot of crackpots emerge at this stage, who can be interesting in a horrifying sort of way. But there are shortcuts that eliminate a lot of the not-worth-considering from the rest and shake some apples from the tree. It's my rule of thumb not to vote for anyone who boasts about his or her lack of qualification to do the job --e.g. anyone who's never held office before. Or tax deadbeasts (governments cost money to run; those who pretend otherwise need not be taken seriously). Those who wd mandate term limits also get the hairy eyeball. And so forth.

It's a lot to go thorough, but being able to vote is worth it.  

--John R.

*I was invited to a meet-and-greet with Hobbs at a game store, but cdn't make it.

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