Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Time for a New Project

 So, now that my presentation at Oxonmoot is behind me, and I've had a little down time for reading and straightening up the desk a bit, it's time to dig in on the next project(s). 

One (CLASSICS OF FANTASY) is essentially done, though I don't know how long until it's done with.

The other, which I started work on today, is to convert my dissertation into a monograph: BEYOND THE FIELDS WE KNOW: THE SHORT STORIES OF LORD DUNSANY. Here my first task is to re-familiarize myself with the text. Next comes the process of catching up on new Dunsany scholarship from the intervening years (my first impression: there's surprisingly little of it). Then to incorporate the newer material into the older core.  It'll be a lot of work, but to get to work again on a major project centered on one of my favorite authors is something I'm really looking forward to.

So, we'll see how it goes.

--John R.

--current (re)reading: THE BOATS OF THE 'GLEN CARRIG' by Wm Hope Hodgson*

*an author whose work I was introduced to by my friend Jim Pietrusz, who bought (and read) books at a prodigious rate.


Paul W said...

Have you mentioned the "CLASSICS OF FANTASY" project? Is it, perhaps, turning the old aricle series into a book? :)

John D. Rateliff said...

Dear Paul:
Yes, this is a much-expanded version of the columns. I don't want to jinx this one, so I'll hold off on particulars for now:
I'll be posting more once there's been an official announcement.
--John R.

Paul W said...

You've got a guaranteed sale here, whatever form it takes. I'm excited for this. :)