Monday, April 27, 2020

Literary Faces (II)

So, here's another photo of a famous writer. The last one got identified right away; I'm curious to see how long it'll take for this one.

--John R.

UPDATE (April 28th 2020)
Here's another clue, in the form of an earlier photo, taken almost thirty years earlier: his mug shot taken in 1945 when he was committed to the asylum:



Wurmbrand said...

Ezra Pound.

John D. Rateliff said...

Yes, Pound. Not the only great poet to have gone insane* but the only one known to me to in retrospect describe his life's work as "botched".** And yet for all that one of those behind-the-scenes figures who changed the course of literature.


*e.g. Christopher Smart
**maybe there's some of that in Chaucer's Retraction