Friday, March 21, 2014

Tolkien's Beowulf postscript

Just noticed that the Kindle edition of TOLKIEN'S BEOWULF is their "#1 Best Seller in epic poetry".
That was quick.

amusing to see that it tops an eclectic list:
#2 Milton's PARADISE LOST "in Plain English" (the mind boggles)
#3 Tolkien's THE FALL OF ARTHUR (!)
#4 Dante's INFERNO
#5 Homer's THE ODYSSEY
#6 Spenser's FAERIE QUEENE
#7 a different translation of BEOWULF
#8 another version of Dante's INFERNO
#9 Homer's THE ILLIAD
#10 Vergil's AENEID (the only one of these I've never been able to make myself read all the way through)

--Tolkien makes another appearance a little further down, SIGURD AND GUDRUN coming in at #17

Here's the link:


1 comment:

Sigfried Trent said...

The mind boggles at #2 indeed! To funny.