Friday, August 23, 2024


So, I like calendars. 

For years now I've gotten several every year: 

--each year's new Tolkien calendar (sometimes multiple different Tolkien calendars in the same year), which I hang up in my office

--a Mayan calendar (beautiful artwork and archeology), which I hang just under the Tolkien one

--the Moon calendar (combining in a postersized grid a calendar, the entire phases of the moon for one year, and a little image of the moon as it appears on that day); this hangs in the stairwell in the hallway next to the cat-stand

-- a half-sized calendar, about the size of a trade paperback book, for carrying in my satchel. The topic for this one can vary widely.  This wide range of topics applies also to the downstairs calendar hanging by the phone; these two are the ones we write on to keep track of the schedule. The current ones are whimsical Lear birds and drawings of fruits and berries, respectively

--and a miniature calendar the size of a credit card (good in previous years for scheduling; nowadays the print size is too small for aging eyes).

As for this year's calendar, 'Literary Classics', see next post.

--John R.

current reading: THE SHADOWS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WORLD by Th. Ligotti

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