So, here's big news: a major work by a major Inkling available at last, over eighty years after the author completed it. I was lucky enough to have a role in preparing the text, creating a computer file out of the old 550 page typescript. Tiffany Martin then took my rough typed text and turned it into a properly edited book. The results is now available online at the Barfield Estate website for anyone who wants to read it.
If you have trouble opening the link, go to the website's main page, look under the header 'Literature', and click on the last entry.
I first read this long unpublished work at the Wade Center back around 1985, so I'm v. excited to finally have it more widely circulated. Many thanks to Mr. Barfield's grandson for letting me work on this project and to Dr. Martin for all her work in seeing it through to the end. I look forward to seeing what impact this long-delayed work's appearance has on Inkling studies.
--John R.
a heroic concert
16 hours ago
Good news. Is it being published in print form or only online?
Thanks for your part in the release of this book, knowledge of which has tantalized Barfield readers for years.
The link has recently stopped working. I've tried contacting the website as well as Owen A. Barfield but haven't gotten a response. I wondered if you would have any idea what might have gone wrong or how it could be fixed? (I'm in the middle of reading the book so this is frustrating.)
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