So, thanks to friend Steven for sending me the following link via Janice.
What interests me most about this design is that it includes the name of most, but not all, of the Inklings, plus one more who's usually not included in the group (although several Inklings scholars, such as Doug Anderson, have argued for his inclusion):
Tolkien, Lewis, Barfield, Williams, Christopher Tolkien, Warnie Lewis, Roger Lancelyn Green, Adam Fox, Hugo Dyson, Robert Havard, J. A. W. Bennett, Lord David Cecil, Nevill Coghill
I cd quibble (why 'Hugo' for Dyson but Robert rather than 'Humphrey' for Havard?), but then there's a limit to how pedantic I want to get over a t-shirt. Besides, it's an attractive design (unfortunately didn't see the artist's name anywhere); I'll probably be picking one of these up.
So, thanks to Steven and Janice for the link.
--John R
a heroic concert
1 day ago
Leaving aside the question of RL Green, who definitely belongs with the Inklings though he is not counted among the regular Thursday membership, my selection of that many Inklings would be modified by excluding Bennett, who was quite peripheral to the group, and replacing him with C.L. Wrenn, a close friend and colleague of Tolkien's and an important figure in popularizing Anglo-Saxon studies, and also an attendee of the Inklings before World War 2 as well as afterwards, whereas all the other unlisted members (and Bennett) were only post-war additions.
Dear David
I agree.
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