So, about a month back I was intrigued by news (º2) that TOLKIEN'S JONAH -- that is, his work for the JERUSALEM BIBLE on The Book of Jonah -- is due to be published this fall in THE JOURNAL OF INKLINGS STUDIES.
This project had been announced before as a small book, back in 2009, but that publication had fallen through, unfortunately: for more about that earlier erstwhile publication, see the following informative blog posts by Jason Fisher:
Now someone's trying again, in what seems to be a less expansive and less ambitious form: published in an upcoming issue of a journal. This isn't a journal I'd seen before, and from their website it seemed difficult to pre-order a forthcoming issue, so I decided to subscribe so as to get both the current issue (Vol. 4 No.1) and the next, which shd have the JONAH piece in it.
So for now I'm awaiting the expected arrival of that issue come October -- which is not all that far away, considering. In the meantime, I've read some of the contents of the issue that arrived -- but I'll save my response to that for another post.
--John R.
current reading: a book on bumblebees by Dave Goulson (A STING IN THE TALE)
concert review: Vienna Philharmonic
5 hours ago
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