So, I've now back in Bath, wh. I've not visited since 1985, when I came to try to persuade Elizabth Holland (of The Shores of Middle Earth fame/infamy) of the error of her ideas while she tried to convince me of the errors of mine. We neither of us succeeded, but it was a pleasant memory, and returning all these years later we fd Bath a pleasant. Place to stay. Sunday we saw a steam fair (but alas not a steam punk fair) -- familiar carnival rides w. old fashioned sideshow booths of the sort always showing up in manga. Then we saw the Crescent (where we looked so much like tourists that we were asked to pose as some), and the circus (not at all like you're prob. thinking).
Next day we went to Stonehenge, and Salsbury Hill, and Avebury, as well as stops by two villages, Lacock and Castle(less) Combe. One of the best days of my life. Finally getting to see Stonehenge, and spend an hour walking about it, was even better than I cd have imagined. Made mr wonder if if we're poss., in this lifetime, to see the Pyramid and the Sphinx; one trip of a lifetime at a time.
Today had tea at the Jane Austen House (wh. is not, it turns out, in Jane Austen's house -- and bit ironic, given that she disliked Bath), went to the Roman Baths, drank the water (I had three cups), had Tea in the Pump Room, and climbed the Tower of Bath Abbey, wh. was hard for an acrophobiac but worth it to see the bells.
Tomorrow it's back the London, and on to the next stage of the trip.
More later.
Current reading:Around the World in Eighty Days (Verne).
a day in San Francisco
18 hours ago
1 comment:
John, given in the Navy I did the Pyramids and Sphinx and then as a Masters student at Brookes went to Stonehenge about 3 times with the (sadly defunct for now) Oxford Arthurian Society it is possible to see many things in one lifetime. Glad you had a great time.
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