Friday, November 22, 2024

Christopher Tolkien Centenary Conference

 So, I'll be busy this weekend, attending the Celebration for Christopher Tolkien, who wd have been a hundred years old this week.  It's an online conference (webinar) hosted by the Tolkien Society via Zoom.

I'll be taking part, first as a member of a Q&A / Roundtable talking about editing Tolkien (e.g., my work on THE HISTORY OF THE HOBBIT).  Then I'll also be giving a talk whose official title is "Editing THE HOBBIT" but which might as well be "Christopher, Taum, and Me".

The list of speakers is impressive; pity that time zones mean some events starting as early as 3.a.m my time.  Fortunately they'll be recording presentations for folks who miss out to catch specific speakers later via recording.

My events, for those interested, are at 11.30 to 12.30  ROUNDTABLE with Dimitra Fimi, Peter Grybaukas, Andrew Higgins, and JDR.

EDITING THE HOBBIT, my other event, is at 1 pm and lasts for thirty minutes.

I know I'll be attending as many events as I can fit in and can stay awake for.

If you're interested, drop by and give it a look-see.

--John R.