Sunday, September 29, 2024

D&D Gets Some Respect

So, thanks to Andrew H for this  link to a piece by a writer with the great name of Jedediah Berry. And the article is pretty good too: from the inside, linking together the roles of DM and author in a respectful way. And it's not another one of those journalist-descends-to-write-about-strange-people-and-their-strange (possibly dangerous) hobby. 

--And this  is a week when 'Settlers of Catan' was the correct answer to one of the challenges on NPR's 'Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me'  (an answer they didn't quite get right).

Have I mentioned the fundraising event coming up for the state of Washington's Attorney General where he's focusing the  event on his being a dedicated fan of the game? More on this one later.

--John R.

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