Friday, June 21, 2024

Mass Shooting in Arkansas

So, I heard today* about the mass shooting in Fordyce, where we lived the year I was in third grade and my sister in seventh and my father the high school principal.  We left after only a year later and didn't keeping in touch with folks from there, but I still have some good memories because there we were all back together again as a family for the last time.

The shooting took place in the parking lot outside The Mad Butcher, a local grocery store (actually a small southern chain), only about a block and a half from where we lived in the Delcro Apartments (#7). 

Not much reporting re. who was the shooter, and why: just what have become the standard in such cases: the number killer and wounded, a closing comment about some bill, currently before Congress or some other legislative body (say a state government) that wd place some mild restriction on gun ownership or pious comment on computer games,  Occasionally some particularly heinous details of this particularly or that murder comes to light (like shooting small children). 

For those of us who remember, it's reminiscent of the Quagmire that was Vietnam, where we cdn't win and wdn't lose.

--And so it goes

--John R. 

*thanks to Pam R. for the news


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