Friday, January 5, 2024

Cat Report (Friday December 5th)

Just two cats in the cat room today: bonded pair Lucy and Sally (the winsome twinsome). Accordingly, we cd give lots of attention to both cats, who enjoyed being out together the whole two hours.


Given their continued interest in door-dashing, we tried an experiment. We put the collar on Sally early on to see if getting used to it might help. Then maybe a quarter hour later we added the leash and took her out briefly. Very briefly. As in perhaps half a minute. As for her sister, we cdn't even get a collar on her, much less a leash. So, they're interested in the store outside the cat-room but not interested enough to go there.


Afterwards, Lucy took up position atop the cat-stand, where she reveled in the catnip sachet on high. For her part, Sally stayed down below, willing to try any game offered. They both loved The Worm. 


We were surprised by the display of a talent we didn't know they had: crouch down, jump up, get a hold, and climb up the cages, outside or inside the door. It was pretty impressive how quickly they cd act once one of them took a mind to.


Both seemed to wind down at end of the first hour, then got a second wind


A fair number of onlookers and admirers. Got a query asking at what age people can volunteer; Janice gave them the flyer.


HEALTH CONCERTS: Not a cough nor sneeze nor sniffle from either.

 --John & Janice 

UPDATE (Sunday January 7th): both cats were adopted today, so this bonded pair of sisters went home together to their new home.

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