Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 So, for those interested in fantasy as a whole rather than Tolkien's expression of it,  the Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic is hosting an event on Thursday October 5th you might want to check out. I'll certainly be going (online) unless something unexpected pops up on the schedule.

Brian Attebery and Matthew Sangster --authors of FANTASY: HOW IT WORKS and AN INTRODUCTION TO FANTASY, respectively-- "discuss the affordances of Fantasy". 

I don't have nor have read either book. Which is a pity given how they're right up my alley so far as  topic goes.

Here's the link:


Also I'm looking forward to the talks and presentations from Oxonmoot being made available online. It's always nice to see one of my pieces be published, but soon I'll be able to see papers by other speakers I cdn't see at the time. I'm really looking forward to that.  --JDR

will be good to see my piece up and for anyone who missed the in-person even buy still wants to hear the piece.

--John R.

1 comment:

Matt Fisher said...

In response to a question on Facebook, Dimitra Fimi stated that the hope is to record this session so that it can be viewed later by anyone interested. But she didn't indicate a time frame for getting the recording up online.