Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Marquette Archivist wins Hamer-Kegan Award

 So, congratulations to Bill Fliss, the keeper of Marquette University's Special Collection of J. R. R. Tolkien manuscripts, for winning this year's Hamer-Kegan Award, an honor granted by the Society of American Archivists for his work  in digitizing, re-organising, and making far more accessible the thousands of pages of manuscripts in their Tolkien collection.   Here's the link to a piece describing the honor and placing the award in context

And here's a second link describing the reason why the committee judges Bill's work worthy of this recognition.–elizabeth-hamer-kegan-award-dr-william-fliss

A lot of Tolkien scholars from this point forward will find their work made easier by Bill's having conceived of this project and recruited the resources to see it through.

--John R.

--current reading: THE VIOLET APPLE by David Lindsay

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