Saturday, May 14, 2022

Tolkien Influencers -- a list

 So, thanks to J.E. at  Tolkien Collector's Guide for this link to a post that not only lists twenty-five Influencers but also what each thought about the footage they were shown and their impressions of the Showrunners.

There's a lot of interest here, but it'll take a while to absorb. I am glad to see the event organizers brought in a few voices from Latin America. 

--John R.


David Bratman said...

One of the few people on this list I actually know, when asked "you liked what you saw?" responded "It is very kind of you to ask and it is a very complex question."

Which was pretty much the beginning of my response to the trailers for the Jackson movies.

Marcel R. Bülles said...

I would like to publicly note that I am grinning right now, David, thank you!