Sunday, April 10, 2022

Verlyn Flieger at Politics and Prose

 So,  saw that Verlyn Flieger is offering an online class, an overview on THE SILMARILLION.

The course is scheduled to run for four classes on May 15th, May 22nd, June 5th, & June 12th. It's hosted by Politics & Prose bookstore in DC, which I don't think I've ever been to but which has a certain familiarity from back from the days when we used to get Book TV.

I suspect from the title and subject that these talks will in large part derive from INTERRUPTED MUSIC, which I consider her best book.

In any case, the chance to hear what Verlyn has to say about The Silmarillion not being something I'd want to pass up, I just registered.

--John R. 

current reading: HUNTINGTOWER by John Buchan

current music: THE TIPPING POINT: a new album by an old group (Tears for Fears).

1 comment:

  1. As much as I would love to do this class with Verlyn, I can't see committing to four Sundays in the middle of the day like that.

    I find it interesting that you consider Interrupted Music to be her best book. I wouldn't disagree, but I think a good argument could be made for Splintered Light. And really, all of them.

