Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Sunday in Milkwaukee

So, Sunday being my first full day on my own  in Mikwaukee this visit, I got together with Dale Donavan, who I used to work with at TSR back in Lake Geneva days (and after), and Ben Riggs, who has written a book (out soon) sharing stories about what it was like to work at TSR.


We went to a Food Truck Park down on the south side of town --a part of town I don't know v. well (despite having lived a year on Walker) and the sort of place I rarely go to (what with not eating sandwiches and all). But I enjoyed it, both the camaraderie and the food (I got ramen). The mini-greenhouses helped on a grey, chilly days.


After Ben had to head off, Dale and I ventured further south to visit a bookstore he'd recommended,  

Voyageur Books out Kinnikinnick. There I not only got to pet a book shop cat but, searching around in their lower level, came across THE SILENT MIAOW, a book I've been looking for in a desulatory way for years. It had been a favorite of my mother's and mine ever since we came across it in the Magnolia Library.  Having forgotten the author's name (ironic, since I've read and enjoy several of his other books) and misremembering how to spell the title probably accounted for my difficulty in finding it.  

I had intended to find it, buy it, re-read it for the first time in many years, and then pass it on to Mama, who I knew had enjoyed it then and would enjoy it now.  But it took me a little too long.  So rest in piece to a lifelong lover of cats, from one to another.

--John R.

1 comment:

  1. The Silent Miaow is a lovely book. I think I first learned of it while visiting my grandmother in Arkansas, but I remember my folks enjoying it as well. I know right where it is on the shelf, but I haven’t looked at it in some years. It’s time I did so: and I’ll think of you, our mothers, and our cats over the years.
