Thursday, September 23, 2021

Monsters of the Id? (Milwaukee downtown art)


So, here's something new since my last visit to Milwaukee: a statue on  Wisconsin Avenue east of the river that I can only describe as a local variant of Jonny Quest's monsters of the id.

Or maybe that just holds for those of us who were part of that show's original audience (and thus scarred for life).

--John R.


  1. John:

    An earlier (and scarier) "monster of the id" can be found in the classic film, Forbidden Planet (1956).


  2. It looks to me like a rainbow-colored version of the Heap from Mad magazine's wonderful early offering "Outer Sanctum," reprinted many years ago in lush black and white in The Bedside Mad. The artist was Will Elder. Funny your posting this after I was dumping grass clippings on the compost pile and thinking of Heap.

    Dale Nelson

  3. I know about the FORBIDDEN PLANET creature but didn't see it till in adulthood, so the one I saw in childhood had a greater impact.

    Have to confess though that THE FACE OF EVIL, one of the first DOCTOR WHO episodes I ever saw, is what I'd think of first when thinking along these lines.

    Also to admit I'd never heard of Heap. Clearly the result of an insufficient education. Perhaps M. Night Shimalian will make a film adaptation.

