Friday, November 27, 2020

The Cat Report (Fr. 11/27-20)

Here's a quick update on our current crop of cats.

POPPY SEED and CHIA CAT, the bonded pair of half-grown kittens, are still with us. They’ve overcome most of their shyness and come out right away to make the place their own, playing every kind of game offered to them. POPPY SEED (the black one) loves to get his teeth in a toy and then drag it off to his lair. CHIA loves being petted almost as much as she enjoys playing with her sister. Both come and go in and out of Maya’s place without a second though.

The three new kittens (WALLY, GUS GUS, and FIONA) follow the recent pattern of arriving and being adopted within a day or two, so they were already gone off to their new homes. 

Mother cat MAYA (who’s only a year old herself) is adjusting to being on her own. She’s shy about coming out but loves being petted in her cage. It helps that she has the great big cage which offers lots of shelves to look out in several directions. She let me pick her up and carry her out of her cage but always went back in again when opportunity presented itself. Ninety minutes into my shift she came out to explore on her own and thoroughly checked out the inner room. She poked her head into the outer room a few times but declined to venture into the kitten-playing zone.

Nobody was up for a walk, but everyone got attention and a chance to stretch like only kittens and young cats can do and show off their pouncing.

—John R.


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