Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Chu-bu and Sheemish

So, a few years back Janice created as a gift to me a little booklet, illustrated by our friend Stan!, telling the story of our cat Parker, aka The Cat Who Bit People. It was called PARKER'S CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE and might best be described as 'based on a true story'.  I've wanted to return the favor, and a while back fixed on what I thought we be a good medium: a booklet that told two stories at the same time. On the left-hand side of each spread are a few paragraphs from Lord Dunsany's short story "Chu-bu & Sheemish",* illustrated in the top register of the facing right-hand page. The bottom right-hand register tells the story of Parker coping with the addition of another cat, little Rigby, to the household.

For more on Stan's work, see http://www.instagram.com/stannex

*the booklet includes the whole of Dunsany's story.

--John R.
--current reading: unfocused.

There is none but Chu-bu (there is also Sheemish)


  1. Could you bring this along when we meet this week?

  2. David Bratman said...
    'Could you bring this along when we meet this week?'

    Certainly: I've got one packed in my satchel.
    Hope you enjoy.
    --John R.
