Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cat-Walking Wednesday

Just two cats in the cat-room this week, so we were able to give nice long walks to both.

Tiffany had both cats out and in a mellow mood when I arrived, each relaxed and sleeping curled up on or by the bench not far from each other in the outer room. 

We walked Avry first. And, as usual, at first she just kept making bee-lines from wherever I set her down back to the cat-room door. While good exercise, this didn’t seem the best use of her out-of-the-room time. So we carried her over to the far side of the store, setting her down in the training room. After exploring for a bit she did her usual little flirting game, rubbing up against things and weaving in and out among the stools and getting her leash tangled up. After a while we opened the door and she walked around that side of the store for a while. She was out for about forty minutes, maybe a bit more.

Then it was Tris’s turn. As usual she greatly enjoyed just being out of the room, rolling belly-up on the tiles. Then she had a good time walking around the near half of the store. She was very sociable, going up and rubbing up against people to get their attention. Be warned, however, that when she’s belly-up she may look like she’s asking for a belly rub, but she’s not. She was also out for a good long spell, about forty minutes or so.

One thing I noticed: either TIffany is a really good cat-walker, or the cats really like having two walkers to one cat, or both. Both cats were much less hesitant to venture into a new aisle or go into a new area than tends to be the case when I walk them one-on-one. 

Health concern: Tris has a lot of little scabs, especially around her neck. Got a few loose ones off; the rest shd come in time. Think she also has a little cat-acne on her chin, but she wasn’t at all interested in my doing anything about it. Her ears seem okay, at least on a quick check. Cleaned up her bottom some with a wet cloth, which was about her least favorite thing in the world.  Also used another wet cloth to remove some loose fur along her back — she wasn’t sure whether she liked that or not. 

Avry seems to be doing well. She definitely likes having the big cage all to herself, especially having the high ground so nobody can sneak up on her.

—John R.

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