Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book Thought


The Thought: This book reminded me of TWILIGHT, but not in a good way.

--John R.


  1. I dont’t think I’d want to read something that reminded anyone of Twilight in a good way.

  2. Ah, I just came across a thought by the author on the subject:

    “I get a lot of flak for putting a romance in THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS between Yeine and Nahadoth. “Like TWILIGHT,” people sneer – as if Twilight would’ve made as much money as it has if it featured a whiter-than-white immortal falling for a brown girl. […]

    I wanted Yeine to be treasured. Desired. Admired. Pursued. In every other (racist) aspect of her life, she is treated with contempt on sight, called everything from “ill-bred” to “savage”, discounted and dismissed by the people around her who are invested in her oppression and that of everyone like her. But among the gods, who have no need of mortal pettiness, she is a queen.”

  3. Dear Eosphoros

    Thanks for the comment and quote. I'm sure that, or something like that, was Namisin's intent, or at least part of her intent. But first and foremost a writer has to write a good book, which I don't think N. has done. And even leaving aside the gods' immortal pettiness, her book struck me as a form of what's sometimes called a Mary Sue (*spoilers below*). I initially put it down about one third of the way through, and only our scheduling it for the next book for our reading group spurred me to pick it up again and finish it. I'm glad to see fresh talent and for new people to be trying new things; I just want to results to be a better book.

    --John R.

    *spoiler: Her heroine goes from being one of three candidates to become ruler of the most powerful empire in the world to being a god. And not just any god, but one of the three most powerful and important beings in all existence.

  4. Oops: make that JEMISIN, not 'Namisin'. My mistake.

