Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So, now that I'm back from Minneapolis, the next trip is only about ten days away: a visit to this year's MYTHCON, being held in Dallas Texas July 9th through 12th. I'm presenting an updated version of my paper on R. Rider Haggard's influence on JRRT, and also taking part in a panel discussion of Tolkien's sources.

For a good overview of this year's conf, cf. the following link:

And for a schedule of events, see

If you're going to be in the area, or know you'll be attending, be sure to look me up during the weekend. While there are always some good papers, the real fun of a Mythcon is getting together with people, finding out what they've been working on, and meeting folks who hitherto have only been names on title pages or in online discussion groups. I'm glad to learn, from the latest version of the schedule, that Jared Lobdell, whom I haven't seen in at least a decade, will apparently be there (although his presentation is scheduled opposite mine, alas). There are also folks attending I only see once in a blue moon, like the Glyers and the Hunnewells, and others I see once or twice a year at most, like David Bratman and Bruce Leonard and Mike Foster and Merlin De Tardo, and some I'll be meeting in person for the first time, like Janet Croft and Jason Fisher and David Oberhelman. I'm particularly looking forward to the performances of THE MASQUE OF THE MANUSCRIPT (which I enjoyed when I first got to read it, in the British Library's Reading Room back in 1981) and a reading of an exchange of letters between Warnie Lewis (one of my favorite Inklings) and a missionary pen-friend, presented by Mike and Diana Glyer.

Should be quite a conf. Hope I'll see you there.

--John R.

1 comment:

  1. Jared will not be attending in person, alas. Merlin DeTardo will be reading his paper for him. But you will be able to listen to this presentation if you like, because the panel you're on, which had conflicted with Jared's paper on the schedule, has been relocated (back to its original time, actually) to Friday at 5 PM.
