Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Spacious and Desirable Hobbit-Hole

So, thanks to friend Wolf for pointing me towards this link, showing an amazingly detailed model of Bag-End. Looking at it, I was reminded of the famous Queen's Doll House from the 1920s, so meticulous that they commissioned original stories for the miniature books in its library (one of which was M. R. James' "The Haunted Dolls' House" --cf. the acknowledgments page of A WARNING TO THE CURIOUS). Here's the link:

All I can say is that I'm impressed. This one really ought to be on display at someplace where people can go and enjoy seeing it in person. I especially loved the pumpkins in the little garden and the pie-shelf in the pantry. The only problem I can see is that it's so heavily based on the set design from the Jackson films that I suspect it really cdn't be displayed without their permission.

Still, an impressive Art Project. Who needs Hobbiton USA when you can poke through Bag-End at yr leisure like this?

--John R.

current reading: FIVE PANTOMIMES by Lord Howard de Waldon (Th. Evelyn Ellis) [1930]

1 comment:

  1. Recreating one of Peter Jackson's sets, and displaying it, is apparently not a problem for this guy with his Matchstick Minas Tirith.

    In fact, I know that the crew have seen the site, and if not officially sanctioned it, at least have expressed their encouragement to the huge effort! Peter Jackson isn't someone who sues people for their genuine efforts, generally.

    I think you're right - the Doll's House deserves a wider audience!

    - Jack M.
