I admire people who can do a little of this, then a little of that, then a little on something else, switching back and forth between projects as the need arises. It's rare that I can work this way, something which I tend to forget when thinking about taking on side projects. When I'm working on a project I have to dig down and fill my head with it till I'm like Gorey's Mr. Earbrass writing a novel.*
As a case in point, in a little over a week I leave for the Medieval Congress at Kalamazo, where I'll be taking part in Tolkien Day, a side-session of papers outside their regular Tolkien track.
I've been working on my Kalamazoo paper for some time, since I finished up the festschrift,** but put it aside when I agreed to do a book review that I let grow into more of a project than I'd intended.
Then came the research trip to the Marquette Archives, which was extremely enjoyable and highly productive.
Once back from Milwaukee it was back to work on Kalamazoo piece. I was making good progress when I had to break off again.
Now just a week away it's time to draft the final part of my paper and polish the earlier sessions.
It's going to be a busy week.
--John R.
current reading: the latest Carter & Lovecraft novel from Jonathan Howard
Next time I'll listen to her about taking on too much at once.
*see THE UNSTRUNG HARP, Edward Gorey's first book and the funniest account I've ever seen of the writing process.
**the actual writing of it, that is: I've had the idea to write this piece since about 1987